Tuesday 25 October 2011

Upcoming games 2011

I dont know how everyone else is feeling about bf3 coming out but i am as excited as a fat kid seeing cake!!!..this has got to be one of the biggest years for big games coming out here are just some of the big names comiong out...BF3...call of duty modernwarefare 3....assassions creed revaltions (probly miss spelled that lol)..halo anerversary and and lots more its gunna be a good year to go broke but im gunna quit my job and stay home until halo 4 comes out early 2012 so they should keep me going till the end of the worl 2012...so go get a loan and buy every game coming out and enjoy the games well be posting the relase dates for all of these games so be sure to check back.

Sunday 7 August 2011

The Most Overrated Video game Character!

According to a  poll hosted by IGN anyway, asking you, the public and game players, to vote on which character you thought was the most overrated. Master Chief came out on top!

"Chief rarely even talks, much less offers up compelling nuggets of drama. Half the time he could be swapped out with Gordon Freeman and gamers wouldn't know the difference.

No, the truth of the matter is that 95% of what makes Halo so enduringly popular is not exclusively tied to its hero, but rather to its multiplayer mode. The other 5% is the catchy theme music. At the end of the day, Master Chief is just a generic action hero riding on the coat tails of a much better game."

Agree or disagree? Comments/thoughts are always welcome!

Found here: http://au.stars.ign.com/articles/976/976353p1.html

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Yes, I like game trailers...

Wow, looks like a pretty solid game so far... I'm keen to hear your thought's on the matter?

Monday 25 July 2011

Sunday 24 July 2011


Halo 4

Hey Guys! I was surfing the Net when I found this awesome sneak peak if the Halo Anniversary that is soon to be released! So watch and enjoy...

Theres also abit of text about it also. So take your time and read it ;)


Saturday 23 July 2011

Watch and Learn ,,, Kuwaiti Pro is Here !!

One of my Friends in Kuwait who play really good ,, he have some good techniques ,,