Saturday 28 May 2011

Google Wallet: ‘Goodbye Wallet. Your Phone Will Take It From Here.’

Google announces its mobile payments system Google Wallet, which will be bundled with Google Offers and 'Just Tap, Pay and Save' model.

from: PSFK

Sony Confirms Playsation 4 !!

With Wii 2 due to be shown at E3 and hints of new Microsoft hardware abound, it was only a matter of time before Sony dropped hints about its plans for the next gen. Sony’s executive vice president and chief financial officer Masaru Kato has confirmed that the company is putting together a “future platform” – the almost assured PlayStation 4. He referred to Sony’s next console during a conference call to investors when asked to clarify an increase in research and development costs, according to Eurogamer.
Kato said:

“For the home equipment the PS3 still has a product life but this is platform business, so for the future platform – when we’ll be introducing that product, I cannot discuss that – but our development is already under way, so the costs are incurred there.”
The news contrasts claims made by Sony Computer Entertainment chief Kaz Hirai earlier this year, who said that the firm was “not deliberating” a PS4.

Battle of Cameras !!

RIP ..

John Joans .. Now he is just  dirt and bones  1991-2011

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Facebook Vs Realistic !!

WTF Zoo Sign !

Haka !!

The Haka is a traditional dance of the Maori of New Zealand. It is specifically a dance that is performed only by males. There are thousands of Haka that are performed by various tribes and cultural groups throughout New Zealand. The most well known Haka of them all is called, "KA MATE".It has been performed by countless New Zealand teams both locally and internationally. It is normally performed immediately prior to the event that is to take place, ie: Sports Match, Conferences, VIP Functions, Hui, etc


Thursday 5 May 2011


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ha ha ha ha ha ha !

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