Sunday 7 August 2011

The Most Overrated Video game Character!

According to a  poll hosted by IGN anyway, asking you, the public and game players, to vote on which character you thought was the most overrated. Master Chief came out on top!

"Chief rarely even talks, much less offers up compelling nuggets of drama. Half the time he could be swapped out with Gordon Freeman and gamers wouldn't know the difference.

No, the truth of the matter is that 95% of what makes Halo so enduringly popular is not exclusively tied to its hero, but rather to its multiplayer mode. The other 5% is the catchy theme music. At the end of the day, Master Chief is just a generic action hero riding on the coat tails of a much better game."

Agree or disagree? Comments/thoughts are always welcome!

Found here:

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Yes, I like game trailers...

Wow, looks like a pretty solid game so far... I'm keen to hear your thought's on the matter?