Monday 25 July 2011

Sunday 24 July 2011


Halo 4

Hey Guys! I was surfing the Net when I found this awesome sneak peak if the Halo Anniversary that is soon to be released! So watch and enjoy...

Theres also abit of text about it also. So take your time and read it ;)


Saturday 23 July 2011

Watch and Learn ,,, Kuwaiti Pro is Here !!

One of my Friends in Kuwait who play really good ,, he have some good techniques ,,

Friday 22 July 2011

Monday 18 July 2011

close call to death

tonight while i was heading back from the movies with my girlfriend i had a strange thought/or someone telling me that something was going to happen up th road.
so i started going 60kms in a 100km zone and then roughly 1-2mins up the road a truck was coming out of a petrol station and was on my side of the road heading straight for me and on the side of the road there was a truck parked so if i hadn't of been going 60kms i would of ran straight into a guys remember to always listen to that Little voice inside your head

Sunday 17 July 2011

funny video

keep replaying this video at the point of the sneeze very funny

blond joke of the day

one day a blond decided that she was going to hang herself.. so she went and told her friend that she was going to hang herself.. the next day her Friend went to see her and said.. what are you doing? she said I'm trying to hang myself and her friend said aren't you suppose to put it around your neck not your arm..and she said i tyred putting it around my neck but i couldn't breath.

Saturday 16 July 2011

Fabio will be remembered.

47 million years ago, last week a wee Fuzz by the name of Pepe was attempting to catch a big Barra at the local water hole, when a water bottle washed up on his side of the water hole. He quickly arose from the bank and picked up the weathered bottle with his ugly little hands and took the cork lid off. Then suddenly a tattered and small letter emerged and flopped out, Pepe grabbed this letter and it read....... 'Dear sweet Pepe..... Fabio, Grandma and a couple billion of Fuzzes have died in the village, Don't come back, because we are all dead and don't love you, Papa'. Poor Pepe, he was'nt sure what to do, so he sat down and began crying :(
When suddenly a large, luminescent Hot-Pink Pony appeared upon the Waters edge. Pepe and the mysterious creature stared at one another for quite some time when finally the glowing being said...'Pepe...Jump on my back sweet boy...'. Pepe did as it asked......And they rode off into the messiah.... they werent sure where they were going, but they rode and they rode and rode, and cryed, cryed like they've known each other for a very long time, both unsure of what cruel life had in its wait..... Both Misfits of Life itself......

Feed Back : Harry Potter and the deathly hallows Part 2

Last night I went to watch Harry potter movie; The deathly hallows part 2. and it was quite nice movie and much more better than the previous one , the story was much simple between the good people and the bad people and who will win in the end. the most thing i like in the movie is the effect that been used which let you surround deeply between your imagination. and dont miss this chance to watch this great movie !!  i will rate it 8 out of 10 :}

People just don't get along online anymore

These days, when playing a game online, it is very hard to find people that are friendly. That isn't to say that people out there aren't friendly, but to me, it seems that there is an increasing number of people that want to start and argument/fight just to crack a few laughs. This really frustrates me as when I play a game online I want to be able just to kick back and relax and have fun, until some dimwit comes along and starts abusing me or someone else. To me, this isn't what online gaming should be about. Online gaming should be about meeting new people that share an interest with you, and to just be able to have fun playing a game with someone you don't know. Maybe it's just me?

Friday 15 July 2011

A really Frustrating Game

Click this link for a really Frustrating time.

Does Megalodon Still Alive ?

We will probably never know for sure why Megalodon became extinct. But we can probably be grateful that it did: a 52-foot (16-metre) version of the White Shark with jaws large enough to engulf a rhino would almost certainly make recreational swimming or pleasure boating a LOT less enjoyable. A number of scientifically untenable - but enormously entertaining - novels have been published, exploring just this possibility

From :

Now that must be a lot of spiders

Found this pretty cool, pretty amazing too.
Found it here:

Al Tantal ..

atantal is a myth created by the elders in Kuwait in order to keep children from going out at night and ensuring their well-being. More like the Kuwaiti version of the Boogeyman if you like.

The stories coincided with the disappearance of a young boy at that time who went out to sea at night and never came back.
People immediately blamed it on Mr. tantal here and the myth grew. 20 years later, this man comes along looking for his family and told everyone his story of how he was kidnapped and sold to a persian man as a slave when he was a kid.

are aliens real??

now Ive looked at allot of these videos on youtube and there are around 6 different videos all from different angles in the same area of the sky and you can tell there all on the same day because of the clouds that are around were they were spotted and if that's not strange enough...around 4 days beforehand NASA gives a speech that the space station well be evacuating due to space junk?..and just listen to this speach the head of NASA dose days after this video was taken
hope you enjoyed...also i would like to add this guy is not fake he is one of the first presidents of NASA and his speech is legit

Social Media Revolution !!

Social Media .. It is a Fad ?!  

Game Arthritis

What are the real effects of dig­i­tal gam­ing to our fin­gers, hands, and bod­ies?
The con­for­mity of inter­faces produces defor­mity. It’s a fact. Call it “the real­ity of the virtual”. Pro­longed vic­ar­i­ous aggression lead to per­ma­nent phys­i­cal dis­fig­u­ra­tion. Gam­ing activ­i­ties pro­duce real con­se­quences for the users.

Research has been con­ducted for years in sev­eral clin­i­cal lab­o­ra­to­ries across the globe but doc­tors and researchers are not will­ing to share their find­ings with the general pop­u­la­tion. How­ever, evi­dence of new technologically-​​induced dis­eases is now becom­ing known out­side of the sci­en­tific com­mu­nity. These pathologies — labeled col­lec­tively “Game arthritis” — are officially not “ recognized”.

From :

game review brink

This game was very easy to finish it probably took me around 5 hours to complete on normal which is good for getting some game score if that's what your after. the game is allot borderland's except when you die you don't have to restart the mission you have a spawn that you can change by capturing bases which comes in handy because you die an awful lot and the AI are pretty horrible  most games have a horrible AI but this is has one of the worst AI i have ever played with. There isn't much story line to the game you kinda just run in do the objectives and then mission complete. I didn't really enjoy this game to much but i would recommend getting it if your after some easy gamer score I got roughly 700 in this game within the first play through..
i give this game a

Thursday 14 July 2011

We all need a inspiration to dance!

Everyone needs a inspiration to dance, right? This is my inspiration!

Fuzz is here

There once was a group of small Tribesmen called the Fuzzes. These small peaceful people dedicated their quick lives to the perfection of a beautiful beard, build their masculinity to its maximum potential and please their God which took the shape of a Pink Pony, This Divine Beings name was 'The Pink Pwny'. 20 million years ago, last Tuesday One Rigid and handsome Fuzz by the name of Fabio went for a little lurk to find some Mushrooms to cook in his Grandmothers glorious stew that millions upon billions of other Fuzzes gathered to eat. Unfortunately Fabio lost himself from within the woods while searching for his Mushrooms and died a horrible death of starvation. Eventually Fabio's Grandmother died as well among the millions upon billions of Fuzzes because Fabio did not gather the key ingrediant for the glorious soup and they died due to starvation as well. The end :(

old people driving

I don't know how many of you people have got your licenses but fmlwab (F##k My Life With A Brick) ..I was f##king going off my face behind this person today coming home from work, going like 60kms on the highway then soon as it gets to the over taking lanes BOOM!! straight to 110kms I was like what the F##K!! I swear to God a vein in my eyeball was going to explode.... and soon as I go to over take, a cop car pulls me over...of course
does anyone think that old people should be able to drive?? if so what age should they lose there license??

   for anyone that hasnt heard of of epic meal time its fucking epic the food they make is like the best...bird inside a bird inside a bird inside a pig who the fuck would ever think of something like that well you guys should defently subcribe to them on utube and tell me it dosent make you hungry 

halo reach fails

These guys are sick they make me laugh all the time im sure even if you dont play halo reach
you guys well enjoy it if anyone knows of some videos that are like these or better please tell me..enjoy
slowy getting it done wont be long now guys