Thursday 14 July 2011

Fuzz is here

There once was a group of small Tribesmen called the Fuzzes. These small peaceful people dedicated their quick lives to the perfection of a beautiful beard, build their masculinity to its maximum potential and please their God which took the shape of a Pink Pony, This Divine Beings name was 'The Pink Pwny'. 20 million years ago, last Tuesday One Rigid and handsome Fuzz by the name of Fabio went for a little lurk to find some Mushrooms to cook in his Grandmothers glorious stew that millions upon billions of other Fuzzes gathered to eat. Unfortunately Fabio lost himself from within the woods while searching for his Mushrooms and died a horrible death of starvation. Eventually Fabio's Grandmother died as well among the millions upon billions of Fuzzes because Fabio did not gather the key ingrediant for the glorious soup and they died due to starvation as well. The end :(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those poor Fuzzes :(